Article 20313

Title of the article



Glazman Grigoriy L'vovich, Applicant, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics (21 Sadovaya street, Saint Petersburg, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. Competitiveness on the world's high-tech markets is critical to ensure the national and economic security of the country. It depends on the proper integration into the global innovation processes. The purpose of the research is to track the key trends of globalization in the field of innovation and to show its impact on the innovation processes in Russia and in the world.
Materials and methods. We used comparative analysis, the method of observation, induction and deduction methods, method to accomplish the research goals. We analyzed facts and statistics.
Results. We identified the signs of globalization in the field of innovation: new global research and development centres in the depths of the country; transformation of advanced industrial regions of the world leading countries into the high tech areas, the formation of a global innovation regions, the core of which are cluster structures. We found out that strategic alliances, innovation syndicates and cluster structures, as well as transnational corporations are key players in the global innovation process. The world innovation system as a bridge between civilizations, where the EU is the leader (it generates about a third of global scientific knowledge) is being formed.
Conclusions. Studying the development regularities of the global innovation process in the sphere of high technology enables us to speak about the initial stage of their development in Russia. It is possible for Russia to make a significant breakthrough into the global innovation environment by means of the international scientific and technological cooperation. Economic integration with the CIS countries and the formation of a common innovation environment on the basis of mutual benefit is of paramount importance.

Key words

globalization, clusters, regional economic integration, transnational corporations, global innovation, strategic alliances

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Дата создания: 25.09.2014 09:05
Дата обновления: 26.09.2014 09:22